Managed almond farmland starting from 7,500 sqm
Our standard-size managed almond farmlands with unlimited time ownership. As an investor, you will own the land and everything on it.
In each project, we have the management area which contains water irrigation systems, electricity grid connections, fences, fertilization systems, and water canal supply.
All our projects have management zones, and projects are managed in the management areas with the storage and labor houses.
The investor can own the land and will be registered in the land registry department. Owners can sell their units at any time.
Data representative through December 2018.
Sources: Farmland Values: NCREIF Farmland Index, Timberland Values: NCREIF Timberland Index, Real Estate Values: NCREIF Property Index, Stocks Values: S&P 500 Index, Bonds Values: Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index