Some Advantages of Golden Visa
With regards to the Tax Residency, please note that if you stay more than 183 days per calendar year in our country, or if you have the centre of your main vital interests here, you will be considered as a Tax Resident in Spain, and subject to Spanish tax on your worldwide income and assets. In this line, and although the Golden Visa is an authorization to live in Spain, it does not oblige the investor to come here or to stay here for a certain period, and therefore if you do not stay here more than those days, you will not be taxed here (but if you stay here more than those day, you will be a Tax Resident in Spain).
You can apply for the Golden Visa either from your origin country, in which case the visa will have a one-year validity, or you can apply for the Golden Visa whilst you are in Spain, in which case the authorization to live will have a two-year validity. When the Golden Visa is applied for in Spain, the investor should be staying legally here and the Administration has a 20-day period to answer, and if not answered the Golden Visa will be considered as approved by “positive silence”.
The Golden Visa can be renewed for five-year periods provided that the investment is held (you can renew it as many times as you want).
Once the authorization to live and work in Spain is approved, the investor should personally apply for the residency card in Spain, and attend two times to the Police Office: the first one to apply for the residency card and the finger-print and the second time to collect the card, and the service I provide includes also this final application form.
Although the procedure is simple and fast if the investor has acquired Real Estate assets for the amount of 500k or more, there are other requirements that should be fulfilled in order to make sure the application succeeds, and it is more than important to engage an expert in order to supervise it and verify that the mandatory documentation is in place and properly attached to the application